Saturday, October 23, 2010

Great Talent, Annie Leibovitz and James Nachtwey

I've never seen certain photographer's pictures consciously before watching two films about Annie Leibovitz and James Nachtwey in the class. The common lesson I learned was that consistent styles of  taking photo seemed to exist.
For example, both Leibovitz and Nachtwey become invisible to be a part of their subject's world so it appears what the subject really is.

Mick Jagger by Annie Leibovitz

photo of Afghanistan by James Nachtwey
 However, as these two photographer's types of title, their works are quite different. Leibovitz , a portrait photographer takes lots of celebrities' pcitures for magazines, ads, etc. the photos are all sophisticated and enchanting as if she could find the moment of the peak and cut it.
Antoinette, photo by Annie Leibovitz.
Antoinette by Annie Leibovitz

Annie Leibovitz – A Photographer’s Life, 1990-2005/The actor Jamie Foxx, one of many movie stars who posed for Annie Leibovitz
Jamie Foxxby Annie Leibovitz
On the other hand, Nachtwey, a war photographer's photos remind me what is happening in the differnt places on the Earth. There are the scenes that I could not stand watching without pain in his photos. A photo of survivor of genocide in Rwanda was especially impressive for me. Personally, I research on conflicts in Africa and thought I'm understanding what is going on there. But seeing this photo my images for conflicts became more serious and real.

Survivor of Hutu, Rwanda by James Nachtwey

Totally different kind of photos are taken by these two photographer but they also have some common features. They obviously show respect for subjects and love their job. I learned what taking photo is through two films. I'm glad to be able to know these great photographers and want to take more techniques in my own photos.

1 comment:

  1. Nice summary and comments here. What can you learn from these two photographers to improve your photography and visual anthropology?
